Posted by Lilian on August 25, 2012
Dear Savor friends,
I’m happy to share with you a beautiful display of one of Thay’s classic teachings that I saw at the Plum Village 30th anniversary celebration exhibit:

Thay teaches about meditation and being in the present moment so that we can enjoy the wonders of life.
Posted by Lilian on January 5, 2012

Do you find yourself stuck somewhere between making healthful New Year's intentions and implementing them? Mindfulness practice can help bridge this gap. When we are aware, we can change long-ingrained patterns without condemning or depriving ourselves.
Posted by Lilian on August 6, 2010

"when I go shopping, when I cook, and when I eat, I shall give rise to mindfulness and not bring into my body the kind of food which makes me heavy and unwell."
– Thich Nhat Hanh
Posted by Lilian on June 25, 2010
Learn more about the health risks of eating too much salt in this ABC Nightline video. Dr. Frank Sacks, a professor of cardiovascular disease prevention at Harvard, explains that less than 2 teaspoons a day of salt contribute to 150,000 deaths per year.
Curious how much salt is in each slice of bread you eat? I'll explain the surprising reality here...
Posted by Lilian on April 28, 2010
Pause...and listen deeply to your body. What is your body telling you?
Posted by Lilian on March 9, 2010
Posted by Lilian on March 9, 2010
Today we celebrate the release of Savor and the beginning of a beautiful community of people dedicated to mindful eating and living. Thank you to the many individuals and sanghas that have made this book possible. With great honor and pleasure I look forward to sharing and learning with you.
With a smile,