Most programs for weight loss and healthy living focus on the body and behavior but neglect the mind. Evidence shows mindfulness and meditation could help bridge the gap for sustainable progress.
Posted by Editor on August 7, 2015

Have you ever walked along a road, trail, or beach when a small stone caught your eye? Perhaps it was the unique shape, color, beauty, or the ways it reflected the sunlight, but for whatever reason you were moved to pick it up. Maybe you even took it with you as a reminder of that place or moment.
Posted by Editor on May 29, 2015

When we’re swept away by our stresses and anxieties, making the time to pause and calm down can seem like a challenge—even if we know it’s exactly what we need. If you find yourself in this situation, try to take just two minutes to give yourself a bliss break.
Breathe easily and freely focusing on your in-breaths and out-breaths. Absorb Thay’s words and the sound of the bell with each inhale, releasing all the tensions in your body with each exhale.
Posted by Lilian on December 12, 2014
To the SAVOR community,
As practitioners of mindfulness, we know that everything is impermanent and that this moment is the only moment that matters. As 2014 comes to a close, it’s natural to reflect on events passed and ponder our aspirations for the year to come.
For me, my moments of reflection come with a smile.

Posted by Editor on May 23, 2014
Posted by Editor on May 16, 2014
The saying that “we’re creatures of habit” is one we can often relate to. In the unconscious comfort of routine, we mindlessly fall back to what’s familiar, sometimes not even recognizing the habit until we are approaching change. How often do you find yourself resisting trying something new? You may debate in your mind whether or not you should stay in your current job or situation, sticking with the status-quo. Perhaps this dilemma contributes to the stress that you later try to solve with comfort foods.
Posted by Editor on June 27, 2013

Chelsea is a senior from Emerson College majoring in Marketing and Health Communications. She is interning with me at Harvard School of Public Health this summer.
“The More You See, The More You Know” -Aldous Huxley
Posted by Guest on June 3, 2013

Heart quickening, palms sweating, I wonder – what’s wrong with me? It’s just a networking event. Other times the panic feels more justified as I stand on stage, anticipating the expectations of awaiting eyes.
Posted by Editor on March 15, 2013

My 13 year old came home from school one day frustrated. Over the kitchen table he told me of his troubles but I was miles away. My mind raced between thoughts of my three children, husband and career.
Posted by Lilian on January 24, 2013

In this six minute video, brother Thay Phap guides us through Thich Nhat Hanh’s meditation of the natural world within us. We acknowledge the freshness of our flower, the stability of our mountain, the stillness of our waters and the space within and around us to be free. Below is a transcription of the meditations, for your enjoyment.