Lilian's blog

Q & A With Thich Nhat Hanh: How Can We Avoid Burnout?


Image by Rawich from

Q: Many of us activists are dedicated to the cause of peace, but we see so little progress we get discouraged. How can we avoid burnout?

Thich Nhat Hanh Q & A: How do we ensure that the stronger partner does not overpower the weaker one in a relationship?

loving relationship

Phote by Luigi Diamati from

Q: A loving relationship should be made up of two equal partners. How can we ensure that the stronger of the two does not overpower the weaker one and swallow him or her?

An Everyday Opportunity for Health: Mindful Walking, Brisk Walking & Jogging

mindful walking, running

Photo by Federico Stevani from

Regular physical exercise improves our health more than any other single factor, aside from the decision not to smoke. Exercise also has a profound impact on brain functioning.

Thich Nhat Hanh Q & A: Doing Nothing

Q: I feel guilty when I’m not occupied. Is it okay to do nothing?

Thich Nhat Hanh Q & A: Healing A Wounded Inner Child

Peace In Oneself Peace In The World

Q: How can those of us who had a painful childhood get past our pain and learn to trust people again?

New Year & The Art of Remanifestation

The New Year is an opportunity for us to reflect on our priorities, actions and emotions. It is a reminder that every moment is a chance for mindful change. All is impermanent. We are in what Thich Nhat Hanh calls a constant state of “remanifestation.”

Savoring Sweets

sweets, dessert, savor sweets

Photo by Simon Howden from

Mindful eating is not only for foods  that are “good for us.” In fact, sweets are some of the best foods to savor as they are so rich in flavor.

Q & A with Thich Nhat Hanh: Letting Go


Thich Nhat Hanh Letting Go

Q: I have a lot of trouble letting go of things:  relationships, jobs, feelings, and so on.  How can I reduce these attachments?


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