Posted by Editor on July 24, 2015

These fabulous fruits are such a staple in so many diets and lifestyles that I felt the need to continue with with the culinary inspiration they provide.
Posted by Editor on July 10, 2015

When hunger arises, a small, healthy snack can be quite satisfying. Something as simple as a handful of mixed nuts can be enough to tide you over, helping you approach your next meal without feeling the urge to overeat.
Posted by Editor on March 6, 2015

Sometimes, when your sweet-tooth beckons, a piece of fruit just won’t do the trick! When this is the case, it’s best to take a small piece of the treat you’re craving and eat slowly, savoring every bite. It’s even better when you can make your own, rather than choosing store-bought desserts, since you control each ingredient that goes in, and can make some healthier swaps.
Posted by Lilian on December 12, 2014
To the SAVOR community,
As practitioners of mindfulness, we know that everything is impermanent and that this moment is the only moment that matters. As 2014 comes to a close, it’s natural to reflect on events passed and ponder our aspirations for the year to come.
For me, my moments of reflection come with a smile.