Posted by Lilian on March 20, 2015

“If I lose my direction, I have to look to the north star, and I go to the North. That does not mean I expect to arrive at the North Star. I just want to go in that direction.” – Thich Nhat Hanh
Posted by Lilian on January 16, 2015

Cold and flu season has crept up again! It’s time we get back to the basics that support a healthy immune system. Most of us don’t have mom in tow to remind us of the essentials, and when life gets busy, it’s easy to forget just how important practical prevention is….until we’re lying in bed sniffling.
Enjoy this list of familiar favorites—with a mindful twist—for staving off the common cold.
Posted by Lilian on January 2, 2015
Posted by Lilian on December 12, 2014
To the SAVOR community,
As practitioners of mindfulness, we know that everything is impermanent and that this moment is the only moment that matters. As 2014 comes to a close, it’s natural to reflect on events passed and ponder our aspirations for the year to come.
For me, my moments of reflection come with a smile.

Posted by Lilian on December 5, 2014

We often think of “slavery” as a problem of the past—a memory only detailed in history books and films. Unfortunately, it’s anything but eradicated.
Posted by Lilian on October 10, 2014

LET’S HAVE A TASTE of mindfulness.
Take an apple out of your refrigerator. Any apple will do. Wash it. Dry it. Before taking a bite, pause for a moment. Look at the apple in your palm and ask yourself: When I eat an apple, am I really enjoying eating it? Or am I so preoccupied with other thoughts that I miss the delights that the apple offers me?
Posted by Lilian on August 1, 2014

“Choose whole grains instead of refined grains.”
Posted by Lilian on July 25, 2014
Posted by Lilian on July 18, 2014

Take a moment to think about cooking with your favorite herb. Are its leaves small and round, or are they broad and jagged? What scent does it leave as it brushes against your fingertips, and how does that aroma change as the herb is crushed, sliced, and chopped?
Posted by Lilian on June 28, 2014