Posted by Lilian on February 14, 2013

In movies, love is romantic, overwhelming and above all else, provokes a willingness to give up everything, even oneself, to protect it. This framework births spectacular stories full of drama but the truth is, we cannot love another fully and sacrifice ourselves. We need to honor ourselves while honoring our loved one. True love creates freedom, abundance and joy.
The Buddha describes four elements of true love:
Posted by Editor on December 22, 2012

‘Tis the season of gatherings and gifts. Amidst pervasive consumer propaganda and busy schedules, it’s easy to forget the most precious gift in the universe: our loving attention. Below I’ve excerpted a passage from Thay’s book, True Love, on the practice of spending quality time with loved ones. Shared smiles, warm hugs and honest conversations will remain with us always, long after stylish sweaters and interesting gadgets are discarded.