
A very practical guide on how to incorporate mindful eating into a mindful living plan which will benefit the mind as well as general health and the waistline. The book examines the effects of unmindful consumption and food production on the delicate eco-systems of our planet and how we can change habitual patterns.

Women's Health Magazine

Successful long-term weight loss is 10% knowing the right facts and 90% having the right state of mind.  Even the best diet in the world will ultimately fall short, without the ability to look deeply within, set goals consistent with our greatest good, and live consciously. Zen Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh and Dr. Lilian Cheung, in Savor, have brought us a profoundly beautiful and powerful guide to mindful eating and living. I plan to savor this book regularly, and recommend it to everyone who eats. 

— David S. Ludwig, M.D., Ph.D.
Director of the Optimal Weight for Life (OWL) Program, Children’s Hospital Boston and author, Ending the Food Fight: Guide your Child to a Healthy Weight in a Fast Food/Fake Food World.

As a primary care physician, many of the patients I care for are struggling with their weight and have poor nutrition.  Taking the time to savor food and eat mindfully is often low on patients' agendas.  SAVOR provides a toolkit (to help patients to overcome this hurdle,) and for health care professionals to guide their patients along the path towards improved health.  Beyond mindful eating, Hanh and Cheung provide the reader with a mindful living plan (to  develop and maintain general well-being.)  SAVOR is well-referenced and provides great resources for further study including books, community resources, websites.  I highly recommend SAVOR to lay public and professionals alike.

— Helen Delichatsios, MD, SM
Assistant Professor, Nutrition Educator, Primary Care Physician
Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital

This book is beautifully written, compassionate, and innovative, and is one of the most original and important advances to nutrition and weight control I have seen in years.

— Kelly D. Brownell, Ph.D.
Rudd Center of Food Policy & Obesity, Yale University
