Mindful Eating
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Most American men consume about 11 grams of salt every day. It's one of our basic tastes, and it's in just about everything we eat.
"Nightline" investigates what too much salt and sodium can do to your body. Although we do need some salt to live, many doctors say those 11 grams -- less than two teaspoons a day -- are killing 150,000 people each year.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and doctors have declared a renewed attack in the war on salt. This attack is aimed at restaurants that overuse it and the manufacturers that liberally use salt to process food.
The push is also an attempt to educate consumers, who, for the most part, are oblivious to the amount of salt in their food.
According to Dr. Frank Sacks, a professor of cardiovascular disease prevention at Harvard who is at the forefront of the war on salt, the food industry and our own taste buds have contributed to our salt consumption.
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