Mindful Eating
Mindful Living
Weight Loss
Most of us eat at least three times a day. Eating is a great opportunity to practice mindfulness, enabling us to experience the present moment more deeply, nourish ourselves, and touch more joy and peace. Yet, nowadays with our fast paced lives, many of us eat in a hurry, in front of the computer or television, or with our smart phones in hand. We’re not conscious of what we are eating, how much we’re eating, or why we have chosen this food. Not only do we bypass the sheer pleasure this food offers us, we end up eating more than we want and over time, our weight creeps up.
SAVOR: Mindful Eating, Mindful Life. Copyright © 2025 by Thich Nhat Hanh and Lilian Cheung. All Rights Reserved. Please review our terms of use
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