Lilian's Simple Spring Breakfast

simple spring breakfast

I enjoy mindfully preparing and eating this breakfast on spring, summer, or even on fall mornings when I need to fix a fast breakfast.

The nut or soy butter is a good source of healthy protein.  The blueberries are naturally sweet and loaded with antioxidants, and the whole grain bread is a good source of fiber and minerals.

1 piece whole grain bread  (100% whole grain is best)
1-2 tablespoons organic nut butter (peanut, almond or soy butter)
1/2 cup of fresh blueberries
A few fresh mint leaves, cut fine with scissors

1.  Toast whole grain bread and spread nut/soy butter.
2.  Sprinkle mint leaves on top of the nut/soy butter.
3.  Put the blueberries on top of the mint leaves.

It’s delicious!  Savor this with a cup of fresh mint tea, green tea or coffee!